The Kayak Bass Fishing (KBF) Trail will host an event on the Coosa River below the Jordan Dam on May 5th and 6th. That particular site has hosted kayak fishing events in years past. It hosted the River Bassin’ National Championship in 2014 that drew dozens of top kayak river anglers from all over the country. In addition to several other club-level events with the Coosa Canoe and Kayak Fishing Tournament and North Alabama Kayak Anglers throughout the years. Of course, kayak bass fishing clubs in the Alabama will be hosting our end-of-the-year gathering and state championship at the Alabama Kayak Fishing Classic at this same location.

KBF Trail events often draw dozens of competitive anglers due to the prizes and cash awards for the top winners. KBF is the same organization that gave away $30,000 to the winner of their “National Championship” in 2016 and they are lined up to do it again in March of 2017 this year. Winners of KBF Trail events in 2016 often walked away with a new kayak and about $1,000 in cash along with a ticket to the KBF National Championship.
Bringing the KBF Trail to the Coosa River is a change up for KBF. KBF events have almost always been held on public or private flat water lakes. This year, KBF is venturing off into riverine environments. They have announced river stops in Georgia and West Virginia this season.
The Coosa River is one of the most scenic rivers in the south. It is also one of the most punishing. Anglers will need to use caution throughout the float below Jordan Dam. It is almost inevitable that given a few dozen anglers, someone is going to loose some gear on the water and perhaps go for a swim.

But the risks can be worth the reward. Magnum spotted bass lurk in those waters. There will be several legit trophy bass caught during this tournament. While not common, trophy largemouth bass are also found in those water. And while trophy fish may or may not be caught, the experience of running through difficult rapids with friends could be just enough to bring you back.
Unfortunately for Alabama anglers, this event is scheduled on the same day as the Coosa Riverkeeper’s event on Neely Henry. Anglers vying to win the CRK’s Angler of the Year or qualify for the Champion Division of the Alabama Kayak Fishing Classic will have a choice to make.